Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011



Bondan Prakoso Feat Fade 2 Black

This time I'll try to explain a song that gives reff we feel when we hear it differently. Although the contents of heartbreak, sadness and so forth, but the song reff able to make our spirit strong again. The song is titled ‘Bunga’ which was created by a young musician who has started his career in singing since early childhood. He is Bondan Prakoso familiar with the lumba-lumba, which is the song when the kids. He brought Fade to Black for a rendition of ‘Bunga’ this.

This song tells about a man who has feelings to a woman named Bunga. Feeling that he had very much to this woman, but she did not have the courage to express it. Implementation of this story is closely connected with human life really is.

This song also teaches us how our courage in facing a problem that must be hit man, illustrates the attitudes and actions. So that whatever we experience is always awake from things that can make our days tainted.

Another thing that should we sample from a Bondan Parakoso is its ability to assemble words. Such capabilities should be owned by everyone, especially students, because what comes out of our mouth is in accordance with our quality.

My personal experience about this song and all songs work Bondan Carey is able to make me interested to memorize the words, sentences, stanzas, and whole words. Do not know what made me feel this way, but one that I look at here that the heart will not wrong when confronted with something that has a positive value. Because for me songs by Bondan Prakoso has advantages not found in songs by other musicians.

Diki Hapidin Subagja


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