Jumat, 06 Juli 2012


Malam yang dingin ditemani angin berhembus kesana-kemari di tengah sunyi saat itu, menjadi saksi bisu seorang ibu dengan 3 anaknya yang tengah hamil tua dan mulai merasakan tanda-tanda kelahiran bayinya. Sang suami yang setia menemani di saat-saat akan hadirnya anggota keluarga baru, buah hati yang sangat dinantikan kelahirannya. Saat , tepatnya tanggal 5 Februari 1992 telah lahir bayi laki-laki yang lucu dengan berat 3,5 kg dan panjang 50 cm. Bayi ke-empat dari pasangan Aas Hasbulloh dan Dedah Siti Jubaedah ini lahir dengan proses yang normal setelah di fonis oleh beberapa dokter bahwa bayi ini akan terlahir tidak sempurna. Karena waktu itu sang ibu menderita tumor di dekat rahim. Beberapa dokter berasumsi bahwa ketika tumor ini di angkat, maka kemungkinan selamatnya adalah salah satu di antara bayi dan ibunya. Sang ayah merasa sangat bingung dan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Dia telah coba bertanya kepada beberapa dokter spesialis, dan jawabannya hampir sama. Dia sangat terpukul mendapati kenyataan pahit ini, dimanapun dia berada, hal ini selalu membebaninya. Hingga pada akhirnya sang ayah memutuskan untuk memilih di antara janin dan ibu. Dengan beberapa pertimbangan, karena jumlah anak pasangan suami istri ini ada 4, dan masih kecil-kecil, maka sang ayah memilih istrinya untuk diselamatkan.

Selang waktu berlalu, dibawalah sang istri ke salah satu Rumah Sakit Umum di Garut untuk melakukan operasi. Dan saat itu sang ayah dipertemukan dengan seorang dokter spesialis yang sangat luar biasa. Berbeda dengan dokter yang lain, dokter ini justru memberikan semangat baru kepada sang ayah. Dokter ini bernama Saipul. Beliau mengatakan dengan tegas, bahwa tim nya akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk menyelamatkan keduanya. Yaitu janin yang ada dalam kandungan, dan juga sang ibu. Pernyataan ini mampu memberikan nafas baru bagi sang ayah karena mampu membantah vonis dari dokter sebelumnya. Tidak lama lagi proses operasi akan segera dilaksanakan, harapan penuh cemas mulai kembali menyelimuti perasaan sang ayah. Perasaan tak karuan, prasangka yang penuh ketakutan, ketakutan yang bercampur kecemasan, itulah yang dirasakan sang ayah. Namun, satu hal yang utama dalam setiap urusan bahwa Allah senantiasa di samping kita. Maka tidak hentinya sang ayah memohon dan meminta kepada Allah SWT, semoga proses operasi berjalan lancar dan hasilnya maksimal.

Setelah menunggu beberapa saat, tim dokter keluar dari ruang operasi. Sang ayah terperanjat menghampiri, dengan sedikit terengah bertanya, "Dok bagaimana kondisi istri saya?". 


Laskar Pelangi

by Nidji

As the greatness of the film, this song also is one of encouragement in my life. The lyrics are so touching, able to evoke a spirit that began to weaken. Letter by letter, word by word by word, sentence by sentence, stanza by stanza and beautifully arranged so as to produce a work that can vibrate the chest.

At the beginning of the lyrics, this song makes us aware of the greatness of a dream.Which is the key to our dream to conquer the world. How not, many people are successfultoday because they have a very big dream. Of course, coupled with hard work as a form of business in achieving his dreams.

We realize that sometimes life is not in line with expectations. There are always obstaclesand hurdles that confront our steps, but no other words we say except the words ofthanksgiving for the blessings that we can still feel. That is delicious life can still breathe,see, and many more delicious that we can still feel.

There is one more thing that could make us the spirit in life and persist despite thetemptations come off. That is love that will provide lasting smile and will decorate the life ofthe winding. Love as well as complementary seasoning which we must always add in life. If we have a love for life, then whatever happens will not undermine the principle of life that has been stuck in the chest.

Diki Hapidin Subagja


Kamis, 16 Februari 2012


Sekedar berbagi pengalaman.

Kemarin siang tepatnya hari Jumat, 26 Ramadhan 1432 H/Agustus 2011 M jam 11.20 dimana seharusnya saya sudah siap untuk berangkat Shalat Jumat, tapi karena badan capek dan lemes jadi saya masih tertidur.

Antara sadar dan tidak terlintas dalam benak bahwa saya harus melaksanakan Shalat Jumat, namun ketika ku hendak beranjak dari tempat tidur, berat rasanya tubuh ini untuk bangun.

1, 2, 3, hingga berulangkali saya mencoba untuk bangun. Namun tetap saja tubuh ini tak bisa tuk berdiri. Hingga akhirnya saya mencoba untuk berteriak, berharap akan ada orang yang mendengarku dan bisa membantuku untuk bangun.

Beberapa kali saya berteriak, namun tak ada satupun seseorang yang mendengarku. Hingga pada akhirnya saya menyerah dan memutuskan untuk diam sejenak, karena tubuh ini sudah tak kuasa untuk bergerak.

Perasaan tsayat mulai menyeruak di hatiku, sempat ku bertanya "apakah saya ini telah tak bernyawa lagi??". "Yaa Allah apa arti dari semua ini??". "Hamba tidak siap jika harus Kau panggil sekarang". Berulangkali saya berpikir demikian, karena rasa tsayatku telah menguasai seluruh perasaanku, saya sudah tak tahan dan mencoba untuk bangun lagi.

Tapi kali ini berbeda, saya berhasil bangun dan senang sekali rasanya. Namun sesuatu yang tak diduga dan sungguh tak ku inginkan terjadi. Ketika saya berhasil bangun, saya melihat tubuhku sendiri tengah tertidur dengan muka ketsayatan.

Perasaan tsayat yang jauh lebih dahsyat dari yang pertama kini saya rasakan. Sekarang saya benar-benar yakin bahwa saya telah mati, nyawsaya telah berpisah dengan raga, dan saya ingat bahwa saya telah mati dengan keadaan yang tidak saya inginkan. Keadaan dimana saya tidur padahal sebentar lagi saya akan melaksanakan Shalat Jumat.

Kali ini saya menangis, dan tak kuasa menahan air mata. "Yaa Allah, jika memang saya telah mati maafkan segala kesalahanku Yaa Allah, namun jika ini hanya mimpi ketika saya bangun nanti tak akan ku sia-siakan waktu Yaa Allah".

Itulah kata-kata yang saya ucapkan waktu itu, dan tidak lama kemudian akhirnya saya kembali mendekati raga yang terbujur ksaya di atas tempat tidur. Dan dalam sekejap pandangan yang tadinya buram kini kembali jelas.

Kini saya memutuskan untuk bernjak dan alhamdulillah tubuhku bisa bergerak. Keringat membasahi sekuruh tubuhku, namun tubuh ini terasa sangat dingin, jantung berdebar tak wajar, napas berhembus dengan cepat.

Hai sahabat, apa yang kurasakan saat itu hanya sebagian kecil dari rangkaian kematian. Entah apa makna dibalik semua ini, namun satu-satunya pelajaran yang bisa saya ambil yaitu "janganlah menunda-nunda segala sesuatu yang semestinya kita lakukan, apalagi sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan kewajiban kita kepada Allah".

Semoga ini menjadi pelajaran bagi kita wahai sahabat. Meskipun hingga saat ini saya tak tahu arti dari semua ini.


Diki Hapidin Subagja


Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011



Bondan Prakoso Feat Fade 2 Black

This time I'll try to explain a song that gives reff we feel when we hear it differently. Although the contents of heartbreak, sadness and so forth, but the song reff able to make our spirit strong again. The song is titled ‘Bunga’ which was created by a young musician who has started his career in singing since early childhood. He is Bondan Prakoso familiar with the lumba-lumba, which is the song when the kids. He brought Fade to Black for a rendition of ‘Bunga’ this.

This song tells about a man who has feelings to a woman named Bunga. Feeling that he had very much to this woman, but she did not have the courage to express it. Implementation of this story is closely connected with human life really is.

This song also teaches us how our courage in facing a problem that must be hit man, illustrates the attitudes and actions. So that whatever we experience is always awake from things that can make our days tainted.

Another thing that should we sample from a Bondan Parakoso is its ability to assemble words. Such capabilities should be owned by everyone, especially students, because what comes out of our mouth is in accordance with our quality.

My personal experience about this song and all songs work Bondan Carey is able to make me interested to memorize the words, sentences, stanzas, and whole words. Do not know what made me feel this way, but one that I look at here that the heart will not wrong when confronted with something that has a positive value. Because for me songs by Bondan Prakoso has advantages not found in songs by other musicians.

Diki Hapidin Subagja


Minggu, 25 Desember 2011



By: Upi

This time I will again discuss a film by children of the nation, a film full of action, the scenes of sadistic and malicious. The film is titled SERIGALA TERAKHIR written by Upi, and produced by Adiarto Sumarjono. On this occasion I will discuss the contents, weaknesses, advantages, and the essence and the lessons we can take from this film.

First, I will discuss about the contents of this film. The story is about friendship that is based on the five youths economic background, life goals, ideals and hopes the same. They are Vino G Bastian (Jarot), Fathir Muchtar (Ale), Dallas Primary (Jago), Dion Wiyoko (Lukman), and Ali Syakieb (Sadat). Their life lead is down to their daily lives filled with violence and brutality to maintain their group. Hard, happy, sad, laughing, joking, afraid, restless, anxious, they always live together. But every friendship must be tested in his journey, as well as faced by the five young men. Finally their friendships intertwine from since childhood was destroyed because of prejudice among them.

Second, I will discuss about the weakness of this movie. Basically I am not worthy to criticize this movie, because I am not an expert who knows the film in detail standardization the film. However, at least it can be a significant input into consideration the film director in the making of a film. I think this movie looks not so real and impressed no element of premeditation in the characterization, thus causing the film look less real. Seen when Jarot and his friends hunted by police after clashes, police there seem very difficult to stop the fifth flock, even though the distance was so close. Then cast a woman whose face was not strange in the eyes of the audience as they often appear in soap operas. So the first impression which emerged when looking at the female lead, as if he were watching a soap opera. In addition property used is not optimal, if I counted only two car explosion occurred during the movie. Different if we compare with action films abroad.

Third, do not worry because I also find many advantages in this movie. Action fight that looks so real you can make your heart beat fast. Especially if you've seen the blow towards the face so that the blood spouted. The story is presented is able to give us knowledge about the life of the society that is so cruel and radical, although we can not deny that there is such a strong solidarity among them. Then life in prison is so violent, drug dealers black group that makes us more alert and more careful with the drugs.

And finally, the essence and the lessons we can take from this film. From this film we realized that the role of men is very important in a family. As a woman who should be able to maintain her dignity in the name of both families and the future. Then the dangers of drugs are constantly threatening our young people must always be aware of. And no less important is friendship which should always be kept with the care of each other as long as it is true, and brave to admit their mistakes. That way there would be no friendship that ends tragically like in this movie. Finally can I describe this, hopefully can be a valuable lesson for us to live a life in this world.

Diki Hapidin Subagja


Rabu, 30 November 2011


Kp. Kupajajar
Cikajang, Garut 44171
Garut, 16 November 2011

(Jl.Raya BEKASI KM.23, Pulogadung)

With due respect,

Based on the ads on the Internet, I intend to fill a vacancy as a tax accountant in your company. I am confident that it can meet all the qualifications required, therefore, I hereby volunteer to fill the position.

As already written in the attached resume, I've had a lot of experience in tax accounting. More or less since 4 years I worked as a tax accountant at PT Multipurpose Indotama Prosperous.

I hope you can give me the opportunity to be face to face in directly. In the hope I can explain why I will be able to be part of the team that will always always bend over backwards to promote the company. I can be contacted at any time via telephone number 085 624 186 048.

Yours sincerely,

Diki Hapidin Subagja



Curriculum Vitae

279571_1878398599826_1237086569_31646710_6026914_o.jpgPersonal Details
Full Name                    : Diki Hapidin Subagja
Place, Date of Birth      : Garut, February 5, 1985
Sex                              : Male
Nationality                    : Indonesia
Marital Status               : Not Married
Health                          : Perfect
Height, Weight             : 164 cm, 49 kg
Religion                       : Muslim
Address                       : Kp. Kupajajar, 02/05, Mekarsari, Cikajang, Garut 44171
Mobile                         : 0856 2418 6048
E-mail                          : dikihapidinsubagja@gmail.com

Educational Background

2004 – 2008                : Accounting, Indonesia University of Education Bandung
2001 – 2004                : Alfa Centauri Senior High School
1998 – 2001                : Cikajang 1, Junior High School
1992 – 1998                : Cikajang 1, Elementary School
1990 – 1992                : TKA/TPA Al-Fatah, Nurul Falah Leuwi Ereng

Course & Education

2004 – 2006                : Computer & Internet Course at Puskom Gilland Ganesha, Jakarta
2002 – 2004                : Sony Sugema College Tutoring Institute
1999 – 2001                : PESMUS English Course, Bandung


1.      Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll& Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Calculation).
2.      Taxation System.
3.      Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
4.      Internet Literate.

Working Experience

Working at PT. Flamboyan Bumi Singo, Cibinong
Period                          : August 2001 - November 2011
Position                       : Accounting & Taxation staff

Job's Description

1.      Payroll Staff;
2.      Project's data updating;
3.      Business correspondences;
4.      Expatriates documentation filling & follow up;
5.      Translation;
6.      Appointment arrangement;
7.      Filling anda data updating;
8.      Arranged of business trip schedule;
9.      Meeting budget arrangement;
10.  Procurement filling, inventory control, and administration assistant;
11.  Preparing for breakdown statement for the project, preparing intern finance circular correspondences, and preparing for the presentation materials;
12.  Issuing invoice & receipt for vendor and customers;
13.  Inventory Controller;
14.  Preparation of purchase requirement and purchase order;
15.  Invoice & payment arrangement.

Bandung, November 16, 2011

Diki Hapidin Subagja



Laskar Pelangi

By Riri Riza

For some reason this time I wanted to give something different, I am reminded of a film's country boy that can knock on the door of my heart, break down the cliff laziness that hit high school future. At that time I felt very excited in this life, no passion for learning, weak thinking, and stuttering in the act. But the film is able to arouse the sleeping giant slumbering in me.

Do you know what I mean movie? Yes, a country boy thought the film adaptation of a true story. What else if not the "Laskar Pelangi". This film is about 10 children in the neighborhoods in the Village Gantong, Belitong Island, Sumatra. They attended an elementary school Muhammadiyah which almost collapsed buildings and in the evening to the cattle pens. The school was almost closed if students are not up to 10 people.

If only there was no Harun (Jeffry Yanuar), a 15-year-old boy with mental retardation, is schooled by her mother to not only catch up chicks at home, certainly never occurred to this story.

Muslimah (Cut Mini) or Bu Mus and Mr. Harfan (Ikranagara), two people here who continue the struggle of the school. They want the poor children are entitled to reach the ideals. A sense of surrender, despair, experienced Bu Mus and Mr. Harfan due to lack of interest and costs for the poor to educate their children.

Understandably, for the lower classes, to send their child means bind themselves to the burden of costs to be borne for years. Including the closing of the child the opportunity to hire full-time basis to help reduce the heavy burden of life.

But on the day that Aaron, a student special rescue them. Thanks to Harun, the number of students even become void 10 people and closed schools. Then, ten students were given the name of Laskar Pelangi by Bu Mus.

Five years passed, Mrs. Mus, Mr. Harfan and to the ten students with a unique and distinctive of each, struggled to continue in school. Among the various challenges the weight and pressure to give up, Ikal (Zulfani), Lintang (Ferdian) and Mahar (Veris Yamarno) with talent and intelligence emerged as the driving spirit of their school.

The film is filled with stories about the suburb, the story of the struggle of life reach the dream of touching, and the beauty of friendship that saves human lives.

As is known, the film is based on a novel of the same title, Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. This is Andrea's first novel. Reportedly, this novel is a picture of his childhood and all the real culprit is.

Laskar Pelangi is childhood friends Andrea while attending school in a poor village Belitong. But, not explicitly mentioned in the novel by Andrea Hirata that it is the story of nyata. After appointed to the big screen, the film directed by Riri Riza managed to show the late 1970s setting. And make moviegoers feel satisfied.

The film is able to provide color in my life. What's more it's time we watch this movie together one school. With so making a distinct impression that can not be forgotten.

Few discuss the return of different things that I feel. After that I seemed to feel more energized again. Embarrassed to 10 children before, especially latitude, which has a zest for life that can never stop. Crashing the curtain barrier to achieving its future.

Diki Hapidin Subagja




Finding Forrester

                Finding Forrester is a film written by Mike Rich, who became his producer Laurence Mark and ultimately comes the idea of a film maker, is Gus Van Sant. The film is published by SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT COLUMBIA a company, in the end this film came before us and is ready for us to enjoy.
                This film tells about a black teenager named Jamal Wallace, played by Rob Brown. He is gifted in writing a paper, but no one knows even himself. His talent is often seen even in playing basketball. On a day when he was playing basketball with his friends, looks like someone was watching from behind the windows of the building which is right in front of the basketball court. Every time he played basketball, there's always watching from behind the window of the building. Because curiosity grew, finally one night he and his friends decided to get into the building. Jamal entered the building itself, quietly and watched him go around the corner.
                When he found the knife, then he put it into the bag. Suddenly appeared an old man surprised him and he scuttled out of the building. But Jamal forgetting something left his bag and he realized when his mother asked about her purse and her friend reminded that when out of the building Jamal did not bring her purse back. That's where the real story, where he began communicating with parents who are in the building. Apparently the man is William Forrester, played by Sean Connery, a famous writer who disappeared in those early days before the parents. From there, Jamal began to hone writing skills assisted by Forrester. Eventually Jamal really prove that he has a talent for writing.
                Jamal is a teenager who has a tremendous personal, behind taciturnity there is a huge potential. The proof he was recommended to study in private school, which we know is very difficult to get in and go to school there. It made his mother and older brother proud, and very inappropriate for our example. This film reminds us that everyone is given the same potential by God, but the extent to which someone is honing his talent and trying to make really channeled. It also gives inspiration to us that we should be able to optimize the potential that God has bestowed upon us.
                Besides, our efforts in achieving goals are not easy. Surely we will see a time when other people do not believe in us or vice versa, we are hard to find someone who can we trust to us to cooperation. But Jamal proves, with the trials he faced, did not deter her and seemed to make all the bitterness he experienced as a valuable lesson for him, for the mesa front and the formation of character. Its essence is the formation of our character is determined by the extent to which we can control, deal with and resolve everything that happens to us. If we manage to solve the problems we face, utilize luck that we can, and then we have been declared to be a winner.
                In my opinion, this movie really gives motivation hello to us to be able to explore, refine and optimize the potential that exists in us.

Diki Hapidin Subagja


Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011


We Will Not Go Down

By Michael Heart

In a moment, I will try to review the ordinary song, a title song is WE WILL NOT GO DOWN by Michael Heart. My reasons choose this song, because this time I am remember to our brother, sister, mother, father, and our family in Gaza. We all know that every day, hour, minute, even every second they always feel scare. They are can’t do day activity like us, just for go to mosque is hard for them.

This song represent their spirit in a life, we should be ashamed with it. We can do all activity freely, eat all food that we want, laugh and be happy every time and everywhere, while they always feel scare. One thing they can do just believe that God never sleep, God always see everything that happens to them.

In the some lyric has mentioned that:
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
Can you imagine if that happened to us, our brothers, our mothers, our fathers, and our families? Would we be silent? Or we just wait until God sends Ababil birds to destroy the accursed Zionists?
        How weak our faith if that's all we can do for our brothers. Therefore let us together fight for our brothers in Gaza, Palestine, Ethiopia, and other Muslim countries which are currently being colonized. We start from the smallest things, ranging from prayer to maybe we should leave jihad to fight against the Zionist damned.
          I apologize if there are words that are less pleasing in your ears, I was just excited and angry when remembering that our brother was suffering there.

by Diki Hapidin Subagja


Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


Steve Jobs Speech

at Stanford University

This time let me try to review the speech of someone who is extraordinary, an originator, creator, and a true visionary, he is Steve Jobs, at the time of graduation at Stanford University (June 12, 2005).

He classifies speech into three topics, the first about how he connects the point in his life. Essence that we can take those great results would have started with a business that is not easy. It takes sacrifice, hard work, consistent, and work smart in choosing the path we will follow.

All are painted when the family's financial condition is not possible, so he decided to quit college. From here we can conclude that the college is not the only key to success, but we must remember that one key to success we can get to college.

In addition, we also must believe that it must be behind the difficulty there is relief. Even something much more beautiful we can achieve anything, just how far we can survive and try to interpret everything that happens to us. In a speech is told when he was unable to lecture, but behind it is an opportunity for him to study calligraphy style that became one of the letters on the Macintosh.

What happened to Steve Jobs earlier, it had occurred to me. While I was having trouble, surely there is relief afterwards that can cover the feeling of sadness because of the difficulty was. So, let us never feel bored to try to be more meaningful.

The second story is about love and loss. A person who is successful is he who knows himself. Steve Jobs knows what he likes, and also what he did not like. And Steve Jobs is a personal way, in a still fairly young age, he already knows what she likes. Then it becomes easier for him to pursue the success he dreamed of.

But as usual, something big must be accompanied by a major hurdle as well. After he succeeded in establishing and promoting his company, he was fired by someone who she adopted to lead his company simply because of differences in vision.

Everything that happens to him, good or bad he always responded positively. The proof when he was fired from Apple, although at first she experienced a sense of pessimism, but he immediately got up and tried to back what he had dreamed of. Until at last he thought that he was fired from Apple was the starting point for him to be more creative. The key word is like what has been, is and we'll do.

The third story is about death. When he was 17 years old, Steve Jobs ever heard the expression, like this "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you will be right." During his lifetime, he always remembered the phrase and makes it as an encouragement in his life. Remembering death is the most effective way to eliminate the idea that we will lose something, because we will always do our best to get what we dream.

Thus, may be a lesson for us. Because there is no stopping for more meaningful words.

by Diki Hapidin Subagja


Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011


Diki Hapidin Subagja

05 Februari 1992

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

                My full name is Diki Hapidin Subagja and my nickname is Diki. I was born in Garut, February 05, 1992. I have the big family because I have two brothers and two sisters. My first brother name is Sansan Hasanudin and my second brother name is Acep Hudan Nugraha Abdul Fatah. My first sister name is Sani Nurhasanah and my second sister name is Santi Nursaidah. My father name is Aas Hasbulloh and my mother name is Dedah Siti Jubaedah.

             When I was four years old (1996-1998) I started to study in TK. Al-Fatah, Nurul Falah, Leuwi Ereng. It is my first time to know about learned together with my new friends. After I finished it, I continued to Cikajang 1 Elementary School (1998-2004). Then I continued to Cikajang 1 Junior High School (2004-2007). After I finished study in Junior High School, my study was stopped because financial condition of my family maybe not to pay school cost. I fill my free time with do something that can to result money. I make kites, book cover, bamboo pistol toys, maintain marmot and rabbit then I shell that. Almost one year I do that, I wish sometime can continue my study again.
               One day, my friend invited me to follow one event like training to be a SAR. In the event I meet with my brother. He ask to me about my school, and I answer that I cannot continue my study because financial problem. And then he invited me to study at school that he study there, and he convince me that I can study with free. And the name of the school is Alfa Centauri Bandung Senior High School (2008-2011). And then I continue to study in Indonesia University of Education (2011-2015).

                Okay let’s to describe myself, I have a bad behavior. First, when I have one project, hard to finish quickly. I very hate that, and I hope in the short time I can change that. Second, my skill in speak English is poor. When I speak English is very difficult, but I will try with hard work to be practice in English. Third, I am forgetful. When I will go to some place, I must write and check all some think that I need. If not like this, I always forget to bring one or more thing that I need. Fourth, I have not to consistence. If I have some plan to be better in my life, some time I forget and feel so bored. And I can to continue again if I remember that.

                Although I have some bad behavior, I must still spirit to change that. And something that can make me still spirit is I have the big family, because they always support me in everything. They can make me never walk alone in my life. I still remember everything that ever they doing for me, especially my lovely mother. She is the best motivator in my life. Because my mother, I still spirit to be better.

                I think that enough, thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

by Diki Hapidin Subagja




by Maher Zein

Maher Zain (born 1982) is a Swedish singer and music producer from Lebanon. His first album 'Thank You God' of the 13 songs and two bonus tracks was released on November 1, 2009. Music videos on YouTube have collectively gained more than 4 million views.

Many musicians in this world who have the talent and the unique characteristics and exceptional, but unlike this one, he is a musician who had his career in music with Islamic that became his trademark. One of the remarkable works is a song called INSYA ALLAH.

This song has been translated into several languages ​​in the world, including Arabic, Indonesian, French, and more. Thus, normal if this song could easily spread and accepted by the general public, especially Muslims.

For me this song can pump our spirit that began to deflate, to boost our faith began to weaken, and increase motivation to learn when we feel bored. Not only the lyrics and voice are good, but the video clip was also different from the others.

My personal experience about this song is when I do like this task, at first I felt lazy and procrastinating. But all was changed when the task while listening to this song.

This song is suitable to cultivate the spirit and keep that spirit in order to stay upright. If you want to try, please see for yourself how different is happening. Cheer up that will surely arise and always overshadow you.

The inspirational lyrics that can bring us to always remember God. And this is a plus for this song, in addition to the melodious strains of music but there are also impacts how we feel.

by Diki Hapidin Subagja


Jumat, 30 September 2011


Transporter 3

by Olivier Megaton

         TRANSPORTER 3 is the movie was directed by Olivier Megaton and written by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Komen. This movie was presented by the big and familiar movie corporation in Europe, the corporate name is Digital Vactory and include with EUROPA Corp. This movie is one of success movie classification on 2010.

          Overall of this movie is good, but something on this movie make the viewer little confuse when to understand the plot. The viewer must to think more when string up the plot, because the plot is mixture. But with this, can make the viewer more curious and never feel bored to understand the story from start until the end.

          All of the Visualization and the moment on every scene look like the real moment and like no camera trick, although sometime look over. But all of the statement was hided by the actor professionalism. Especially Frank Martin (Jason Statham) the mine actor in this movie. The presentation from the clever ideas and high creativity make this movie is amazing and can make the viewer feel curious. So, the viewer must feel proud with this movie.

This movie tell about a life of the real man that he has a high skill on completed the mission with his driver skill. His dangerous journey started when he meet with the girl, her name is Valentina (Natalya Rudakova). Valentina is the daughter of a minister and leader in Europe are the leading company in Europe. Frank has a mission to protect the girl from the target of other parties who have the same goal. So, Frank must be care full in this mission.

The dangerous action on this movie is the mean characteristic of this movie. Almost all action is very dangerous. Frank must keep the girl and complete this mission with go to many area and he just was given the clue to go to A, B, C and the last area is the place where the meeting will be held a prisoner exchange (Valentina) with a letter signed by the father of Valentina.

The antagonists in this film cast already feel safe and assume that their mission will succeed, but their dreams just a wishful thinking. Women prisoners are on the safe side and ripped a signed letter. But Frank is at the center of the meeting in an unsafe condition. Finally he decided to enter the lake with his favorite car. As usual the end of a story the main character will be victorious and live in peace.

by Diki Hapidin Subagja